Our Mission
The International Council for Respiratory Care (ICRC) is dedicated to advancing the safe, effective and ethical practice of respiratory care worldwide. The ICRC strives to accomplish its mission through five primary initiatives.
The Council
The Council, comprised of governors from various countries, is a diverse group of worldwide health professionals forms the International Council for Respiratory Care, addressing issues affecting educational, medical and professional trends in the global respiratory care community.
International Meetings, Conferences and Seminars
International Respiratory Convention & Exhibition
November 20–23
Florida, USA
International Meetings, Conferences and Seminars
International Respiratory Convention & Exhibition
Arizona, USA
Join the ICRC
For those interested in exploring a country membership on the ICRC an electronic letter of intent should be directed to the ICRC Executive Committee through the Council President. The letter should address the status of respiratory care in the specific country and the professional societies involved in the advocacy of respiratory care.
Member Countries and Areas
- Argentina
- Bahrain
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Egypt*
- Finland
- France
- Ghana
- Guatemala*
- India
- Italy
- Japan
- Jordan
- Lebanon*
- Liberia
- Mexico
- Nepal
- Norway
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Philippines
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Spain
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Yemen
* Candidate status