RESPIRATORY CARE: Observations From the Editor to Our International Readers
December 30, 2014
Japanese Respiratory Care Seminars Part of International Exchange Program
March 20, 2015By John D. Hiser, MEd, RRT, FAARC, Chair AARC International Committee
During 1990, in an effort to promote communication and fellowship among respiratory care professionals in the United States and their counterparts worldwide, the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) in cooperation with the American Respiratory Care Foundation (ARCF) established the International Fellowship Program. Over the last 25 years the program has given over 150 non-U.S. health care professionals from over 60 different countries the opportunity to visit the U.S. and observe respiratory care as it is practiced in the United States.
Health care professionals from outside the United States who have an interest in and a commitment to the advancement of the art and science of respiratory care and a genuine interest in establishing respiratory care as an allied health profession in their country are invited to apply to be an AARC/ARCF International Fellow.
The itinerary includes visiting two US cities for a stay of approximately five to six days in each city. During the stay planned activities include observation of the practice of respiratory care in both large and small hospitals, visits to formal educational programs and visits to alternate care sites. The fellowship ends with attendance at the AARC International Congress.
As has always been the case over the last 25 years, we welcomed a very accomplished group of respiratory care professionals in 2014. The 2014 Fellows are featured below along with the cities visited in the USA, as well as the names of their city hosts.
The application period is from January 1 to June 1 each year. If you are interested in applying please make sure we receive your application by June 1, 2015. Click here to apply as an International Fellow.
Be Our Host: Accepting Host Applications Now
Applications for individuals to host the fellows in the U.S. are also being accepted – the host acts as a City Coordinator during the visit. In order to provide the visiting Fellows with a quality educational experience and give them the opportunity to observe respiratory care in a wide variety of settings, we seek the participation of respiratory therapists who are willing to become involved in this exciting program by planning and coordinating the fellows visit to assure a safe and satisfying experience for everyone involved.
The City Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the overall visit, including communicating with Fellows prior to their visit, and providing information regarding weather, clothing, personal costs, and backgrounds on the city and the hospital. The City Coordinator also develops of an itinerary for the city activities including arranging for all transportation for the Fellow.
The application period for City Coordinator is from January 1 to June 1 each year. If you are interested in applying please make sure we receive your application by June 1, 2015. Click here to apply as a City Host/City Coordinator.
If you are an AARC member, you can read more about other International Activities of the AARC; please visit AARCTimes back issues and select the December issues.