Vision Guyana
December 15, 2023
The University of Doha for Science and Technology Celebrates RC Week
November 14, 2024On May 22, an interprofessional team of respiratory care, nursing, medical, and speech/language pathology students led by Lisa Trujillo, DHSc, RRT, FAARC, Program Director at the University of Kansas Medical Center’s (KUMC) Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Services, and Karen Schell, DHSc, RRT, RPFT, RRT-NPS, RRT-SDS, RPSGT, AE-C, CTTS, FAARC will leave for three weeks to Ghana. Since 2006 these types of teams have been traveling to Ghana to provide services and outreach. This year’s team will focus on engaging with clinical care providers in large teaching hospitals and rural clinics. The team will also assist in establishing Helping Babies Training centers in several areas across the country.
This mission is in partnership with long-standing community partners and clinics. These clinics are in dire need of assistance. Dr. Schell is currently seeking donations of the following medical supplies needed for the trip:
- Ambu bags (adult and infant/child)
- Apnea monitor
- Baby clothes
- Bandages
- BP apparatus (manual or digital)
- Bulb suction
- Cannulas (adult and infant)
- Circumcision set
- Cotton rolls
- CPAP delivery devices
- Delivery instruments (forceps, gun temomether, bed pan, infant scale, pulse meter, glucose meter)
- Delivery pads (chucks)
- Diagnostic kits (malaria, pregnancy, glucose, typhoid)
- Exam gloves S, M, L, XL
- Female catheters
- Fetal doppler
- Gauze (various sizes)
- Gauze rolls
- Hand sanitizer
- Laptop
- Medical tape (various widths)
- Nasogastric tube (4 and 6 foot)
- Nebulizer machine
- OTC meds (antihistamine, GI, pain, fever, cold, sinus, topical painkiller)
- Oxygen concentrator
- Portable x-ray machine
- Printer
- Pulse oximeter (rechargeable if possible)
- Speculum (vaginal)
- Sterile gloves 7.0, 7.5, 8.0
- Stethoscopes
- Tissues
- Vayu CPAP
- Vital signs monitors
Items can be picked up in the Kansas City area or you can mail them to:
Karen Schell
109 West 2nd Street
Frankfort, Kansas 66427
Deadline for donations is May 15.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Schell at [email protected] for questions, concerns, or pick-up locations.