President’s Message: International Respiratory Care Community Pays Tribute to John W. Walsh, a Change Agent Among Patients, Researchers, and Clinicians
June 20, 2017
The 11th Respiratory Therapist Training Course, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
September 4, 2017By Jerome M. Sullivan, PhD, RRT, FAARC
The 11th Intercoastal Respiratory Therapy and Critical Care Assembly convened August 11-12, 2017, at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical University in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China. The audience included respiratory therapists, critical care physicians, nurses, other health care providers, and community leaders. Participants gathered for the educational programming and the opportunity to enhance their clinical skills in the important disciplines of respiratory therapy and critical care medicine.

International faculty seated at a plenary session of the 11th Intercoastal Assembly.
The hospital celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2016 and is uniquely qualified to host this medical teaching event. Its department of pulmonary and critical care medicine houses the Center for Respiratory Disease Prevention and Treatment, which serves all of Shaanix Province.
The respiratory intensive care unit (RICU) was the 1st RICU established in Northwest China and includes RTs at the bedside. The unit consists of 18 beds equipped with advanced contemporary ventilators and a centralized ECG and respiratory monitoring unit.
More than 40 concurrent lectures, demonstrations, and workshops were offered during the Assembly. This program was formally recognized by the American Association for Respiratory Care and the International Council for Respiratory Care and received full Level I “Approval” by the International Education Recognition System.