2017 West Lake International Respiratory Care Conference, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China
September 19, 2017
University of Ghana Establishes 1st Respiratory Therapy BS Degree in Africa
September 30, 2017By Noel S. Tiburcio, PhD, RMT, RTRP, RRT-NPS, ARCPP Adviser, ICRC Governor for the Philippines, 2009 AARC International Fellow; and Julita V. Toledo, RMT, RTRP, MPA, Chair, Professional Regulatory Board of Respiratory Therapy, 2016 AARC International Fellow
The Association of Respiratory Care Practitioners, Phil., Inc (ARCPP) successfully held its 13th Annual Convention, with the theme “Mechanical Ventilation: Progress and Future Prospect,” at the Century Park Sheraton Hotel in Manila, Philippines July 20-21, 2017, coinciding with the celebration of the 24th National Respiratory Care Week.
The 13th ARCPP Annual Convention was a huge success in terms of attendance, with the active participation of 890 convention delegates from different parts of the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.
The offerings developed by the Scientific Program Committee were high quality educational activities and participants’ overall rankings of the meeting were very positive.
The Annual Convention was open to members and non-members alike and provided a contemporary, relevant scientific program designed to enhance the delegates’ knowledge and competencies in mechanical ventilation.

Participants in the ARCPP research paper presentation competition pose with “best paper” winners at center.
The two-day convention headed by ARCPP President Wilmer Valera and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee Rommel Ebio offered delegates an interesting array of educational activities, including plenary session lectures provided by local experts, lunch symposiums, and ventilator workshops.
In addition, a national RT quiz bee with student and practitioner competitive divisions was offered. Likewise a research paper presentation competition awarded “best papers” in both the student and practitioner categories. The exhibit hall was very busy and featured a wide array of ventilators and other respiratory therapy equipment.
The Annual Meeting also provided an excellent opportunity for the Professional Regulatory Board of Respiratory Therapy, chaired by Julita Toledo and ably assisted by Board Member Jesus Espinas, to engage the participants regarding issues and concerns about the RT profession at home and abroad.
It also provided the perfect moment to present the 2017 Most Outstanding Respiratory Therapist award to this year’s deserving winner, Araceli Pascual, and to recognize three other nominees as well.
The convention ended on a positive note, with delegates returning home very pleased and fulfilled knowing that they learned new skills and acquired new knowledge during the meeting to share with their respective RT colleagues.