Rania A. El-Farrash, MD Elected as 1st Governor for Egypt to ICRC
December 10, 2015
Professor Lonny J. Ashworth Awarded the Toshihiko Koga, MD, International Medal
December 20, 2015Egypt became a voting member of the ICRC at the Council’s Annual Business Meeting held in Tampa, Florida, in conjunction with the American Association for Respiratory Care’s 61st International RC Congress. On November 9, 2015, the International Governors voted unanimously to recognize Egypt as the Council’s 28th member country. Professor of orthopedic surgery and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Ahmed Emad Eldin Rady, MD, at Ain Shams University, Cairo, wrote an excellent letter of intent for Egypt’s membership on the Council. The intent is to establish a curriculum for a respiratory therapy program aimed to create a respiratory therapy profession – directed to junior neonatologists and highly educated nurses – to create a generation of qualified RTs. Further, there are plans to provide and establish seminars and programs in Egypt, with ICRC encouragement and assistance – in order to enhance the awareness of respiratory care and its vital role on the health care team. Finally, Dr. Eldin Rady recommended that Dr. Rania El-Farrash be considered as Egypt’s Governor to the Council.